Funds Available for Infrastructure Improvements

Municipal Projects May Qualify for Federal Aid


Attention, Municipalities!

100% grants are now available for municipal water and sewer improvements! The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) established a fund that may be used by municipalities to make necessary investments in water and/or sewer infrastructure, or broadband infrastructure. These investments can improve access to clean drinking water, improve wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and provide access to high-quality broadband service. Municipal governments can use discretion to identify investments in water and sewer infrastructure that are of the highest priority for their own communities.


What are Eligible Projects?

The ARPA aligns eligible uses of the funds with the wide range of types of projects that would be eligible for financial assistance through the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) or Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). Here's some examples. 


CWSRF Eligible Projects

  • Construct, improve and repair wastewater treatment plants
  • Manage and treat stormwater or subsurface drainage water
  • Address cybersecurity needs to protect sewer infrastructure
  • Control non-point sources of pollution
  • Improve resilience of infrastructure to severe weather events
  • Create green infrastructure and protect waterbodies from pollution

DWSRF Eligible Projects

  • Construct water infrastructure capital improvements
  • Install and/or replace failing treatment and distribution systems
  • Ensure compliance with applicable health and environmental safety requirements
  • Replace lead service lines

Stormwater Eligible Projects

  • Green infrastructure investments, such as projects to improve resilience to the effects of climate change
  • Green insrastruicture projects that support stormwater system resilience
    • Rain gardens
    • Green streets


Here's What Else You Should Know
  • Costs must be obligated by December 31, 2024.
  • Period of performance must be complete by December 31, 2026
  • Funds will be dispersed 50% now and 50% next year (2022)
  • Communities must file a “Project and Expenditure Report” annually (some more frequently).

That's a lot of information to digest! Reach out to Mark Hurley with any questions or if our team can help this unprecedented opportunity.


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