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Lead and Copper Rules

Preliminary Inventory Deadline - January 1, 2020


The 2018 revision to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) now requires communities with municipal water service to submit a preliminary Distribution System Materials Inventory (DSMI) to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) by January 1, 2020. A final DSMI must be submitted by January 2025. 

If your community hasn't started to take inventory of your water system, the time is now!


Major Changes to the Lead and Copper Rule

1. Water systems must now have a complete inventory of their distribution systems that includes both portions on public and private property. The preliminary inventory is due January 1, 2020!

2. Municipalities must replace all lead service lines, and galvanized service lines that were attached to lead service lines, including portions on private property, by January 1, 2041.

3. The lead action level will be reduced from 15 ppb to 12 ppb, effective January 1, 2025.

4. New methods for sampling and requirements are in effect, specifically for lead service lines. This rule involves a sampling pool with a three-tiered system.

5. New community involvement, EGLE oversight and information transparency are incorporated in the new rule. 


What First?

The immediate deadline for municipalities is the preliminary DSMI, due January 1, 2020. The purpose of the preliminary DSMI is to create a database of what is known about a community's distribution system service with supporting documentation. The inventory can then be used to help generate a plan for gathering any missing information and/or replacement needs.


Need More Information?

If these rules have you confused and scrambling, we're here to help! Our civil engineering team has been hard at work learning the ins and outs of this new rule revision and how it will impact our municipal clients. Tim Korson has attended the EGLE training seminar on the Lead and Copper Rules and can assist communities in navigating the requirements set by these new rules.

Time is of the essence! Contact Tim with your questions.


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