Wellhead Protection Plans

What You Should Know


What is Wellhead Protection?

Wellhead protection is protection of the public groundwater supply wells from potential sources of contamination. By defining the area(s) that contriibutes groundwater to public wells, we can manage and ocntrol the threat of contamination.


Why Does it Matter?
  • Greater protection of the health & safety for users of the groundwater supply
  • Protection of the financial investment made by your community in the groundwater supply
  • Reduction of potential costly monitoring of drinking water


WHPP Grant Details

Example grant-eligible activities include:

  • Developing or supporting a local Source Water Protection program
    • Delineation
    • Contaminate source inventory
    • Management strategy
    • Public participation
  • Updating an existing WHPP (required every 6 years)

Grant application are now available and are due on June 15.


Our Expertise

Gosling Czubak has assisted 20 communities across the state in securing grant assistance for their WHPPs. The most technically-demanding portion of developing a WHPP is defining the geographic area that supplies water to each well. This process, known as "delineation," requires hrdrogeological and engineering skills. Our staff has both!


Contact us to learn more or download our Statement of Qualifications.


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