Safe Routes to Schools Grants

Encouraging Activity by Increasing Safety


MDOT's Safe Routes to Schools (SR2S) program aims to encourage students to walk and bike to school, increase safety of biking and walking to school to encourage a healthy lifestyle at a young age, and facilitate projects that improve safety and reduce traffic in the vicinity of elementary and middle schools. The SR2S program is a valuable option to consider for improvements to the non-vehicular transportation system in your area.


What are SR2S grants?

The SR2S program provides mini grants and major grants for programming and infrastructure projects. Mini grants are available for up to $5,000 per school for programming projects. Multiple schools within a district can be combined to increase the grant funding.

Major grants are available for up to $8,000 per school for programming projects or $200,000 per school for infrastructure projects.

SR2S funding is 100% federal, with no local match required. Started in 2003, Michigan's SR2S program currently provides about $3 million to municipalities per year.


What types of project apply?

Infrastructure projects include sidewalks, crosswalks, on and off street bicycling facilities, bicycle rack installations, traffic calming and speed reduction, or a combination thereof.  

Interested in Safe Routes to Schools? Contact us.


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